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Council on Contemporary Families
Call Your Girlfriend
"Marriage didn't always wreck friendships among women, as it did the 1950s, or strain both cherished relationships, as often happens today. Stephanie Coontz studies the long history of family structures from forager society to the present. History has some stark (and cheering) lessons about the ways that friendship functions as a deep human bond. Plus, we're renewed, refreshed, and restored after taking a break and doing a full home reorganization." Interview with Stephanie starts at 10:15
NBC News
Couples who follow stereotypical ideas about what a wife should do report the least satisfaction and the most conflict.
Wisconsin Public Radio
CBC Radio
A U.K. study found people are getting intimate less often, especially couples
Some cities and states have tried implementing universal pre-K. But the idea’s struggled to find a nationwide platform. Could that be changing?